Hanns Eisler Lieder Vol. 1 CD of the month November in Magazine OPERNWELT
Hanns Eisler Lieder Vol. 1 CD of the month November in Magazine OPERNWELT
The German Operamagazine OPERNWELT chose Holger Falks and Steffen Schleiermachers recording of Hanns Eislers Songs and Ballads 1929-1937 as the CD of the month November. Jürgen Kesting, one of the most renowned critcs of Singers wrote: „His color palette is dominated by fine, light-filled tones that one knows from the impressionistic paintings (they are thrilling in his splendid recording of the Francis Poulenc songs). Like a few french baritones – Pierre Bernac and Charles Panzera – Falk is a verbal artist of the highest order who masters not only the quiet intonation of a diseur, but also the harsh commands of a field marshal.“